God gave men rights, which include life, liberty, and property; and governments are instituted to secure people's rights. Governments only have a right to rule if it has the governed's consent so when any government becomes destructive to human rights it's our duty to abolish it and institute a new one. Being under British Monarchy has subjected us to absolute tyranny and thus is unfit to rule over a free people. God created all men equal and entitles us to reign over ourselves. It is therefore necessary to dissolve the political bands which have connected us to the British crown. Let the facts about the King of England be submitted to a candid world. He has encoded into a charter that laws may be passed which violate people's unalienable rights of; free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, freedom peaceably to assemble, freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the right to bear arms. He has left inadequate separation of powers by prohibiting the direct election of heads of state, allowing instead someone chosen as a legislator to command the military and enforce the laws he himself creates. He allows this chief legislator to conduct foreign diplomacy instead of ensuring that laws enacted are only for the good of the citizens. He prevents the people from electing Senators, instead allowing only the personally appointed friends of the chief legislator into the Senate who unsurprisingly have no desire to exercise checks or balances against him. He has forced anyone desiring to enter the fields of military service, law enforcement, judiciary, public office, or naturalization to swear oaths of allegiance to himself rather than to a Constitution drafted by, and securing the rights of, We the People. We, therefore, the Canadian people, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do solemnly publish and declare, that the State of Canada is, and of right ought to be a Free and Independent State. That it is absolved from all allegiance to the British crown and that all political connection between it and the State of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved. As a Free and Independent State, we assume the power to write our own constitution; including ratifying the constitution of The United States of America if agreed to by a majority of voters and invited by Congress. FOR THE SUPPORT OF THIS DECLARATION, WITH A FIRM RELIANCE ON THE PROTECTION OF ALMIGHTY GOD: I HEREBY PLEDGE TO THE OTHER SIGNATORIES, OF THIS AND OF THE AMERICAN DECLARATION, MY LIFE, MY FORTUNE, AND MY SACRED HONOR I Declare (or just receive email updates)