Seeking to implement, subject to President Donald J Trump
To prevent illegal aliens from entering America through the Canadian border and to prevent the smuggling of drugs in full cooperation with DEA and CBP.
To support NATO spending minimums to be increased to 5% of GDP and to provide terms for expulsion of any non-paying member-states. To prioritize American Military campaigns over UN and other deployments.
To commit to Joint Collective Tariffing against non-American States led and negotiated by the President of the United States of America.
To phase out the Canadian Dollar and switch solely to the US Dollar.
To commit to 100% solidarity on all votes America casts at the UN.
To allow American dairy, poultry, and egg farmers to freely sell into Canada without any restrictions nor barriers.
To teach true American History and the significance thereof in public schools.
To move the Canadian Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the capitol city.
To fasttrack the pre-approval of any pipelines, electricity, fresh water, or any desired natural resource sales into America.
To adopt the American Constitution and break free from the relics of British feudalism.
To hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for The China Virus however President Donald Trump may see fit.
To encourage other states to join in supporting all the America-first policies above.